Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kiwi Christmas in Christchurch

Well, where does the time go.  I promise I've been busy, either working on Ervin or riding my bicycle. It's amazing how much time one can spend cleaning someething, especailly if it has lots of nooks and crannies. I believe Ervin has been more of a challenge than detailing a Harley Davidson and that is no mean feat. I have to admit that I usually don't work too long into the evening and I don't get started all that early either, slow but sure.  But hey, I am retired and like to spend some time drinking coffee and reading books. I think I'm right on schedule, it helps that I don't really have one but I'll be in Christchurch through the middle of January and will be ready to travel way before then. In fact Ervin should be finished before the New Year.

Ervin all cleaned up and ready to build. 

I've probably said before but Ervin is turning into more of a project than I thought but this thing was built out of the heaviest stuff possible and coming apart. I'll lighten it up by a hundred pounds or more and create some more space as well as make it nicer to live in and easier to clean. A part of my time in the last few days was gathering parts. It's kind of nice having a project and I don't mind staying in one place for abit and getting to know Christchurch. I was lucky that most of the tools I need came with the van as well as most of the camping supplies so I'm still ahead. I also took some time to get some long bike rides in and check out the Port Hills a little better. I still have unfinished business there, just need to get some legs that will pedal me up the hills. 

Christmas Day started out sunny and clear and is not a day to work on anything so I rode the bike into town and took some photos. I wanted to check out the route to the yoga place as I intend to get back to that tomorrow, it is way overdue. I also wanted to take some pictures of Christchurch at Christmas to share. Christmas is more low key here than in the US. Yes, there are lots of Christmas sales going on so I treated myself to a few things that I "need". There are hardly any Chrstmas lights and outdoor decorations, I'm not sure I've seen any although I'm told they exist. Of course it is summer holiday time so the Kiwis  are travelling around hiking, camping and pursuing summer outdoor activities. 

Christchurch is known as the Garden City so there are lots of flowers blooming everywhere. The climate is perfect for a wide variety of flowering plants even in mid-summer. I've seen a lot of plants that are commom to England including  Foxglove, Broom and Gorse. I've also seen Magnolia, Yucca, Hydrangea, Lilac, Rhododendron and many others that I can't name. 

I did find Santa and Rudolph hanging out at the Restart Mall or the container Mall which was constructed to get business rolling again after the earthquake in 2011. 

I love the contrast of the flowers and Christmas trees at the container mall. 

This totem is located in downtown Christchurch in a nice little park area, lots of fences in this area so damaged buildings including the one in the background. The plant behind the totem is a fairly common plant known as a cabbage tree. 

I've een several sculpture by this artist around town, not sure who it is but I like them; and look, there is a Magnolia blooming in the background. 

Smash Palace got a paint job! I think I've shared photos of the Smash Palace before, it was all white. This is one of the efforts to get business going after the earthquake. The exterior walls are scaffolding with tyvek wrapping. You order in a camping trailer and the kitchen and bathrooms are in containers. There is a bus on site to sit in or outdoors at picnic tables. They make a pretty good lamb burger. 

I rode through North Hagley Park on the bike trail and was rewarded with this scene, there are quite a few parks and streams here. 

Yes, those are Yucca's blooming, something I normally see in New Mexico. 

Nicely landscaped yard and in bloom just in time for Christmas. 

So that's what I've been up to. I'm looking forward to yoga tomorrow and getting back to work on the van. I am making good progress and will have pictures as it comes together. I also found out this week that one of my flat mates is a climber so am looking forward to getting in some climb time. SHe is on holiday until after the first as are my other mates but I foresee some climbing in my not too distant future.  Guess I better work Hard this week!

Merry Christmas Everyone, wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year full of adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pics and update!! Merry Christmas Bro!
